
Prof. Vladimir Sokolov

Title: "Symmetry approach to integrability of differential equations".
Space-time location: S-206-0, SA, Monday, 20/03, 14:00

Abstract. We discuss the symmetry approach to integrability of partial
differential equations with two independet variables. Main definitions are
given and examples is considered. A classification of integrable
equations of the Korteweg-de Vries type is presented. We show that some
special classes of integrable polynomial multi-component models are
closely related to Jordan
and left-symmetric algebras and to Jordan triple systems.

Prof. Sokolov works in the Landau Insitute (Moscow). Now he is also a
visitng researcher at USP with a fellowship from FAPESP. He is an
author of many well known results. Among them - the so called
Drinfeld-Sokolov reductions which is a very important contribution to
the theory of affine algebras.